Originally Posted by pedro padilla
I´ve heard this tune before. Iraqi insiders (ones being paid large sums of cash and green immigration flags) swearing to the prescence of Saddam´s WMD´s. It´s the windup to the massive media blitz to be followed by yet another invasion. Israel? Isn´t it about time to worry about America? Israeli interests are dictating US policy. They got quite a few WMD´s themselves and would probably be much less hesitant about using them. Iran are arming themselves? Hell yeah, they´ve seen what happens to countries that don´t. Things are gonna get real bad, real soon and the blind unquestioning ignorance of the Fox news viewing public is going to recieve a major wake up call. Iran with WMD´s. In Israel they call it defense.
This post screams of Ignorance. Point one, Israel never signed a nuclear proliferation treaty, Iran did. Secondly you have Iran, a country that openly funds and aids terrorists, publically saying on many occasions that they would not hesitate to nuke Israel. This isn't about Israel dictacting American Foreign Policy, because that's not the reality. This is about regional stability, in a region where we have several long term vested interests. Israel plays in a lot because they have been a long time ALLY. The bottom line is Iran is a wild card in the deck, a country run by ignorant radicals who think they are doing Allah's bidding. Take a guess at what happens when they have a new weapon with the ability to destroy the evil zionists.
**Also the tune about Iraqi insiders. Read the Jordian defectee who called Saddam on hidden anthrax and got clipped later for it.