Originally Posted by Furry
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It had to come from somewhere. How long it took is another question. Personally I'm all for a Prime Cause, but instantaneous creation? I think not. Much more elegant to have things evolve.
... which is of course the entire bloody problem in a nutshell. 
i don't like the idea of a "Prime Cause." personally i think it's much more likely that man created god than the otherway around. but i don't know if there is or is not a 'supreme being' of one sort or another than started it all. maybe an old white man wiht a long beard snapped his fingers and there was the big bang. and the universe expanded, the planets formed, and we evolved from goo out of luck because he wanted to see what would happen.
the important thing is though, you can teach evolution withoiut mentioning a Prime Cause and it doesn't change a thing. it's like leaving out the pulishers info page in the front of a book. we know the title and the story, just not who published it. it's an unverifiable preamble to the story, but it doesn't change teh story one way or the other.
creationism, on the other hand, requires the big guy to be there and directly responsible for all of it. but he didn't even so much as leave us 'god wuz heer' spray painted on a rock. and without him, there is no story.
oh, i assume you mean Prime Cause as i sorta explained up above. not as in 'intelligent design'. i view prime cause as more of a diest view while ID is just modified creationism to try to get it into the schools.