DENTISTS- a tooth rant...
After years of good teeth I had a tootheache for the first time a couple weeks ago. Well, turns out after nights of not sleeping and days of not eating I had to have drilling done and then followed by a Root Canal. Add in the cost of antibiotics and such and this totaled £330!!! This week.. second toothache of my life... FORTUNATLY (After 3 horus in the dentist because their compressor borke and they had little to no power!) they jsut wanted a temporary filling to be followed by a full one if this works.. toatl cost 30£ plus probably at least a another 50-100£ AND I CANT DRINK FOR 6 DAYS because of my tablets i have to take.... NOT HAPPY.. WHY NOW?!
Teh guy i'm seeing a really good dentist, i've had everythign explained to me and how i could save money etc, BUT this stuff has to be done and I need it done now. Good job done, but I could think of spending 1000$ in a lot of better ways! and WHY all at once... ugh, just had to vent somewhere.. anyone got any tooth stories? (dare i ask?)
/rant over