Originally Posted by lurkette
Kind of off-topic, ratbastid and I came up with the idea of setting up a cat-squirting cam with an X-10 camera and a supersoaker so we could monitor our cats' actions and squirt them while we weren't home. Squirting them in person just makes them think "ah, if I get up on the counter when the big hairless cats are here, I get wet....I'll just wait till they're gone!" But if we could shoot them anytime, it'd be real Hand of God stuff. We even thought jokingly about setting up a website - squirtmycat.com - and charging to let people man the gun for a while, but we figured we'd end up with very wet, very neurotic cats.
That's the most awesome, hilarious thing I have ever heard.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.