Like most of you, I don't know if I miss it yet, because it takes a while to realize it's gone, but definitely it will be missed in April.
I have found that the Junior leagues are benefitting in a major way because of the strike. I am watching The Rocket of the QMJHL a lot these days. To be honest I've always found the OHL and QMJHL hockey very exciting fast paced action, and most times I'd rather spend $13 to see a good MJ game in awesome seats, rather than pay $70 to watch an NHL game from the nosebleeds.
The NHL will be back soon. I kind of hope that it sits out a season and all the crap is dealt with. Even if it means losing a franchise or two.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys