Insane Philosophy
I know it may seem silly, but one of my fears is to be committed in an insane asylum and not to be able prove myself sane. This fear stems from the fact that sanity & reality are generally more subjective than objective.
Reality itself has been questioned many times in this forum. Is everything what it appears to be? I know different "What-If" scenarios have been discussed from time to time, and nobody truly believes that we're in a Matrix-like computer simulation or someone else's dream. But isn't every religion a different view of the reality we're in? Perception of reality varies great from culture to culture.
Sanity is even worse. Where's the line drawn between the sane and insane? What is sanity? Is it conformity? The old joke is that every character in the bible would be considered insane if they lived in today's world.
It's all so vague. It depends upon the psychiatrist who's job is to essentially brainwash you into believing the same reality as they do. Scary,