I think that such a situation would have to be tackled with utmost delicacy. After all, we are talking about world peace; all 6.5 billion people on the planet will be able to benefit from the peace and stability on Earth. Societies all around the world will be united in their desire to pursue knowledge and improve living conditions all over the world. But how far does this peace extend ? Does it extend even to the point where all crime would stop? THAT is peace. Would it extend to the point where there is no racial discrimination? If that is the case, then it is indeed logical that 63 people should be killed to bring about all this. But would it be an ethical act? No. Rather, the people could be persuaded to do the treacherous act by themselves. Then it would not be unethical would it ? If god (any god) presented such an ultimatum to mankind, we would take years, decades, perhaps even generations to ponder over the topic before we made up our minds.