Originally Posted by Kalibah
Thats a fallacious argument though - by that reasoning I can kill illegal aliens without punishment because they are not citizens, and thus have no rights- and thus the goverment has no obligation to protect the aliens.
I've explained this twice already in this thread.
You can not kill an illegal alien because the state has an interest in protecting its monopoly over the use of violence.
The state will be the victim, and you will be charged with murder.
Nothing in that statement needs the state to be concerned with the status of the rights, or lack of rights, of anything, let alone an illegal alien.
EDIT: does everyone understand that there are no victims in criminal law other than the government?
I'm not just making that up. There are groups that advocate for the rights of victims of crimes (as understood in the public discourse, the person who the crime was committed against), but that is not how people are charged nor are they convicted on that basis. In every criminal case, the government claims harms while the victim is merely a witness to the crime--whatever rule was broken by the actions toward that other private person.