I disagree with Partial Birth abortions though- 9/10ths outta the body, and its abortion, fully out and its murder...
Maybe a step forward would be if the vagina is dialated ( ie the baby is being delivered) you cant have an abortion?????
And im tired of people using the fallback of " what about in cases of rape"
In this day and age, if a woman goes about receiving proper medical attention, then the chances of her getting pregnant are slim to none....
The problem is, raped women dont come forward- and why it is more acceptable to have an abortion in our society than to come forward for a simple pill, is beyond me- and it shows us where we have headed as a species.
The other thing is, you state you'd for abortions 'bounties' ttoo help keep people off of welfare- but the truth is some people - have kids - to get the welfare checks. When we dole out money for kids, and as long as we do that, people will have kids- why not? You see that they arent propely taken care of, dying in fires while moms out partying, etc, do you think that money we, hte taxpayers pay, is going towards the baby or the mother? Obviously... the answer is the mother in said cases.
No, after 2 children, if your on welfare, and you have more, you get steralized. Why should we pay because you cant WORK or keep your you legs shut....
On the legal side of things what Congress SHOULD do is prevent courts from hearing Abortion cases. Then we can go back to letting the people deicide- via voting- if abortion should be legal on a state by state basis, as it was BEFORE roe v wade.
Courts cannot make laws, they intepret them....
I would not be surprised if this happens, and in fact i expect it.
Last edited by Kalibah; 11-18-2004 at 01:38 AM..