Originally Posted by irateplatypus
i really can't believe what i'm seeing here. a little good natured ribbing coming back the other way and it dominates a thread. try walking a mile in my shoes... you'd get blisters after 10 paces my friends. my buddy pan called me a hypocrite and a tool (by association) in another thread not too long ago... i know who i am, no harm done. pan, roachboy, smooth... they get spirited sometimes because they're sincere. like water off a duck's back now-a-days.
it's not silly or useless. it's not juvenile... it's just a lighthearted jab. you have appreciate that from most people's perspective, leaving after an election when you are guaranteed another shot at succes in 2 or 4 years is akin to that one kid in gradeschool who took his kickball home when he wasn't picked first for teams. whether that be a refusal to engage the world as roachboy proposes or a semi-successful attempt to bite your tongue at absurdity as i view it... it's not meant to be deep, or personal, empathetic or mean-spirited. it's just a quick pop to the shoulder to get a reaction.
Well, that's a fair enough comment. I guess it just seems to me that the barbs are just a little too sharp.
Anyway, no real harm done. It's not as if any of you are insulting
Mr Mephisto