LOL they are nice to you for a reason MONEY.
Well I'll share my thoughts and a few funny stories...strip clubs are fun every once in a great me about every other year is the most i'll go, i'll pretty much go just for shits and giggles.
The greatest thing happened one year, every guy needs to go just once is me and my friends theory so we are all bored one night and we though, jeez our friend Hannack has never been to one so we go there one night. Well I was done after about $20 but my friend gets a couple and then the dance asks him if he wants to go to the private room and he's like sure, so he goes up there and we wait a while and some more and he finally comes done and he goes up to my friend can I borrow $280 and my was like him and a stripper goes down to the ATM withdraws $280 so he wouldn't get in trouble he spend $360 on a dance....and it was just a nothing....he learned the hard way