Originally Posted by braisler
Did you vote no because it is already legal to possess 4 ounces and you figured that was enough of a decriminalization? Or did you vote no because you didn't want the state to get involved in the distribution, taxation, or sale of a drug (besides alcohol)? I would like a little more background on why you voted the way that you did, if you please.
Yes, and yes.
First, 4 ounces is alot of freaking weed for personal use.
Second, I have no faith in the local goverment and it's ability to manage a budget, and distribute money into places that I feel people benefit more from. For example, education. No, I'm not a teacher, but things like education, and other city and state programs that I feel are important, dont get enough attention. If the people who distribute and use the drug want to subsidize those tax dollars to goverment programs, and that for the imposing sales tax Anchorage will most likely get eventually, then it might get a yes. But, until the state proves to me it can manage money and quit building things like town squares, and cutting things like education in an already faultering budget to do so, then anything they have control over in terms of taxation, or distribution will never get a yes vote from me.
My wife and I paid over $8000 in property taxes last year(we don't have a state or sales tax), and I coulden't get a junked motorhome removed from the front of my newly landscaped yard and brand new home because the city didn't have the money to do it? You can assume the state and cities use that money in taxes to fix things like like that, but when you can't cut enough out of a budget to meet your goals, year in, and year out, there are more problems then if weed should be legal or not.
BTW, I was in Anchorage for a couple of days and nights (if you can call them that) last June. Really enjoyed it and the rest of my trip to Alaska. We got the chance to rent some bikes and ride the coastal trail a bit. No moose though! I couldn't get everybody else up for the ride until after 10 AM and I guess the moose aren't out as much in the middle of the day.
Wrong time of the year to see moose. You do on occasion, but you'll see them much, much more in the fall time. (Well we don't really have a fall season, but you get the idea.)
Edited for spelling.