Originally Posted by prosequence
You guys are too much, close minded and unwilling to accept another point of view... Darwin thumpers... insistant on others conversion to your own beliefs. I was once told "Never argue with the ignorant, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with their experience." and only now do I see the truth in that. I will leave you "intelects" to mentally masturbate this topic amongst yourselves, since you are not willing to consider anything I have to say. Rest easy, I will not read or enter this thread again, march on crusaders, march on.
heh, that's really amusing. you've shown yourself to be the ignorant and close minded one. you see, you've closed your mind to the possibility that creation has no place in the science classroom. i haven't closed my mind to that. quite the opposite. i've discredited its validity as a scientific theory and determined that it DOES NOT BELONG being taught as science.
ignorance is ignoring evidence even when it's danza-slapping you in the face. you seem pretty insistant on converting us to your point of view that creation is a valid theory. we've given you arguments against it and evidence for evolution. yet you choose to turn a blind eye to it. that, my friend, is willful ignorance. if there is a god, you've chosen to take his gift of free will and squander it by accepting an ancient book whose authorship and reliability is questionable.
and to call us 'darwin thumpers' is kinda dumb... we're not thumping darwin. we're thumping sciences current best theory to explain how we ended up as we are today. while you choose to not even consider science (yes, science, the wonderful system that also brought you television, computers and halo 2!).
but it's a good thing you're leaving us to mentally masturbate... we wouldn't want you to go blind.
/hope i haven't stepped over the line...
edit: i would love it if you could give us one shred of evidence ("it's in the bible cause jeebus told me so" doesn't count) that points towards creationism... show us that you're not the mentally masturbating us into a "darwin thumpin' frenzy!"