Originally Posted by Ustwo
Yes thats nice, we enjoy outsider opinions of our political process
Erm... OK.
Yes I joke with you, I don’t even know what socialist nation you are from
Well, seeing as I'm not from North Korea or China, I think that about rules out any of the remaining socialist countries in the world now, doesn't it?
First off if they are feeling 'disenfranchised' they don't understand the meaning of the word. I think they are being sore losers. The people spoke and the people told them no, and they are pouty about it. Bush has more of a majority % wise then any US democrat president since LBJ. Had the vote count been exactly opposite, they would be talking about the great mandate of the people and how reason triumphed and all that crap. They are acting irrational and quite frankly inviting ridicule. Personally I have little sympathy for anyone so distraught they speak of leaving the country, and I won’t miss anyone who does.
I think your opinion is well known. When you have felt like ridiculing others on this board, my opinion has never stopped you.
Mr Mephisto