Originally Posted by aliali
It is not nonsense for one American to say Bye-Bye to another that either leaves the country or whines incessantly about leaving the country all because JFKerry is not president.
First of all, I don't count one thread as "incessant".
I am saying that simply packing up and leaving is not a valid criticism, it is not debate--it's whining--especially since almost no one is actually going that wasn't going anyway. You want to criticize actual things the administration is doing, that's fine. You want to whine and talk about leaving, I guess that's fine too, but to whine and then say its somehow nasty to respond with "go ahead and leave" is too much.
You misunderstand what I believe the point of the thread was, and my response.
If people are feeling disappointed and want to ask each other (I doubt the question was aimed at Bush supporters) whether they should leave or stay, then they are entitled to do so.
However, for the "winners" to step in and say things like "Bye bye" or "don't let the door bang your ass on the way out" is just nasty. It's not conducive to the debate. It contributes nothing. It's insulting. It's nasty.
By all means argue. But why ridicule?
As to the nasty, who here can't taste and feel the nasty written over and over towards the current administation on these boards?
I try not to be nasty. I can't speak for anyone else.
Mr Mephisto