well..if we are gonna go to the treat all theories the same...can we also include the egyptian theory of how life began (ancient egyptian)..Ra masturbates and the world is formed. If Creationism had any solid evidence that would hold up to peer review I would say teach away. Yet... no creationist paper I know of has withstood the rigorous testing of the scientific community. Saying that their is flaws in evolution does not mean that it needs to be disregarded..that's like saying Einstein proved Newton completely wrong...
The most I've seen creationists do is poke holes in Evolutionary theory...Sometimes they even try to point out flaws that don't exist.
(ex. entropy...entropy does not apply for this is not a closed system.)
.They try to make it seem like topic that scientists are divided on and arguing themselves..In truth we are arguing about Evolution..but for the most part we accept some of the basic principles...
A damn dirty hippie without the dirty part....
Last edited by jonjon42; 11-17-2004 at 05:01 PM..