Originally Posted by Ustwo
You know when lefties start to condemn the murder of Margaret Hassan with the same self righteous fervor they are condemning this young marine then I might take note of what they are saying.
Do you really see no difference? Is it not apparent that a soldier acting on the "lefties" behalf requires derision when he abuses the power he has? Is it not apparent that "lefties" do not support Margaret Hassan's murder? Is it not apparent that whether the "lefties" yell loudly for the condemnation of Margaret Hassan's murderers, that it will make no difference because those murderers are not beholden to the "lefties"? Is it not apparent that the soldier
is beholden to the "lefties" because he is officially sanctioned to act on their behalf?
When the righties stop attempting to equalize and justify the henious acts of our gov't and troops with the henious acts of others, I might take note of what they are saying beyond my obvious incredulity that they could even be thinking it.