i try and sit up straight at my computer, in class, or anywhere else. being conscience of it is already a great start.
as far as correcting your posture and strengthening....
a good excercise to build up your 'core' is to lie down in the push up position with your arms bent and fingers crossed under your chin. then lift yourself up with your forearms on the ground, keeping your body straight. hold this position as long as you can. this builds your core strength with is what should be used to hold up your upper torso when sitting down. those who have the wrong posture stretch their backs to hold them up, which is not good for your muscles.
as far as walking goes, try to walk as if something is pulling the crown of your head up. ears over shoulders over hips over knees over ankles. the key to posture is stimulation. you body muscles should be stimulated, not just 'hangin' or 'stretched'
im not an expert by any means, this is merely what i have done to help myself, i hope this helps.