Well I've lived in small towns and had more than one DR. I don't go to a gyno, I go to a family practitioner for anything I need. I've babysat my Dr's kids, I've met them out riding bike. I see one of the walking to work quite regularly. I used to live only 2 blocks away from the surgeon who did my C-section and was stopped on a walk by him 1 month after my surgery. He asked me how I was doing and healing. It's pretty common for me to run into one of my Dr's in public. I've run into them in the store, at church (one of them used to go to my church when I was a teenager) and in plenty of other places. I've had men Dr's do my Pap and yearly exam as well as women Dr's. After having a kid and the MANY exams you go through it really seems like not a big deal. Maybe I'm wierd. Maybe it's just the frequent exposure to Dr's in everyday life as well as in the office. I've seen that they take on a whole different demeanor when they're in the office than they take in real life. I imagine they have to to avoid "bringing work home" with them.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.