I find it interesting that many of this board's Bush supporters are now touting such nonesense as "Wave goodbye" or "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out" etc...
One half of the electorate now feel disenfranchised (to a greater or lesser degree). Some of them are so disillusioned that they are now questioning whether America, the current America, America under Bush, the neo-con right-wing religiously pandering America is where they want to be.
That's entirely their right.
But ridiculing them because of it is not only inappropriate (especially on a board specifically for such discussions) but downright hypocritical. Many of the same Bush supporters on this board claimed such nonsense that there would be a civil war if Kerry won, that the nation would be torn asunder like nothing since the 1860's if Kerry won, boasted they threatened Kerry supporters with firearms, proudly stated that the left would ignore the Evangelical and right-wing voters at their peril and so on ad nauseum.
However, now we have another tune. Decidedly NOT magnanimous in victory, they now respond to simple opinions and statements of disappointment with insult. It is not the Kerry supporters who threatened civil war or spouted pompous philippics on how the end of American civilization was nigh. They have simply been disappointed and confused and, in some circumstances, driven to question their current lives in an America which now seems to hold ideals highly they cannot support.
The difference is notable. And the nastiness is tangible.
Mr Mephisto