I have a 200 Z3, and I love it. A couple of things to be aware of:
1. My car, and I'm told BMW's in general, are TERRIBLE snow vehicles. I spent $1000 on an extra set of wheels (rims and tires) for the winter. Without them I just about killed myself many times.
2. The service is INCREDIBLE. This has been one spot where I've been REALLY pleased. I got mine certified preowned. Every time I take it into the shop (routine stuff - no probs), I get a call after from BMW coporate asking me to rate my experience. Sure, its a bit annoying, but I appreciate the effort they make to ensure good service.
Finally, a friend of mine bought his BMW (3 series, I believe) in Germany and shipped it to the US. He said that the total cost (car + trip) was about the same as the cost of the car in the US. But he got a free trip to Germany!