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Old 11-16-2004, 03:41 PM   #36 (permalink)
Location: Nelson, New Zealand
Lets get a few things straight here...

Originally Posted by killaudio
Fact 1
Nelson, New Zealand has a place knows as "the brook valley" where it rains all the time and is almost always dark.
In other words: Its dark, and raining, all the time.
Fact 2
The drinking age is 18. (true story, really it is)
In regards to fact 1...
I would like you to produce some evidence to suggest that this is a fact.
I live in Nelson and I do not believe this to be fact.

In regards to fact 2...
Yip, it's true... More fool the twits in parliament that allowed that bill to be passed...

Originally Posted by tiltedbc
I was reading my Time Almanac 2004 book about New Zealand and it says that Parliament legalized prostitution in June 2003.

Is this true, and how has that worked out? This is something I think we should do in Canada.
Prostitution has always been legal in New Zealand. It was soliciting for prostitution that was illegal. The law changes in 2003 allowed for a more controlled environment in which the industry could operate. Effectively this legalised soliciting and opened the doors for registered brothels and knock shops.
There was a long period of heated public debate during the years leading up to the "Prostitution Reform Bill" and the subject still remains very hot in some circles. It has not been long enough for the authorities or independants to research the full social impact of such a law change.

Originally Posted by tiltedbc
Other things..

- ...
- there are more sheep in NZ than people
- ...
This is a little of an understatement.
There are more than TEN times as many sheep as there are people...

Originally Posted by MrFlux
...The Giant Weta is an insect we have that can grow to weigh more than a sparrow...
In addition to that, The New Zealand Giant Weta is the largest insect in the world, and the pregnant Giant Weta has been recorded as the heaviest insect in the world.

And while I am on a roll...

A small township called Motueka, 40 minutes drive north west of Nelson, is the only place in the world where they grow the famous "Green Bullet Hops" that are an ingredient in the just as famous Steinlager Beer. You Americans have heard of Steiny... right...

We grow the worlds best Kiwifruit... So good in fact that almost all of the fruit is exported. The fruit available for local market is in such short supply that we import Kiwifruit grown in California to supplement the local market demand. Stupid eh...

It was probably a New Zealander, Richard William Pearse who took the world’s first flight -nearly two years before the Wright Brothers in the United States (this however cannot be proved). On 31 March 1902 Pearse managed to fly his home-made aircraft 91 metres in a field near Timaru. That might upset a few of our American friends...

There are more golf courses in New Zealand per capita of population, than any other country in the world (over 400 golf courses for 3.8 million people).

Auckland has the largest number of boats per head of population than any other city in the world.

New Zealand is the first country in the world to see each new day.

Wellington has more cafes and restaurants per capita than New York.

The old Government Building in Wellington is the largest wooden structure in the southern hemisphere (8200 square metres).

Nelson was the first city in the world to formalise the eight-hour working day.

The Hector’s Dolphin (the world’s smallest marine dolphin), and the world’s rarest sea lion, the Hooker’s sea lion, are only found in New Zealand waters.

New Zealand is home to the world’s only flightless parrot, the Kakapo.

The oldest living genus of reptile is the native New Zealand Tuatara. Tuataras have a life expectancy of 300 years. It is estimated that Tuataras can be traced back 190 million years to the Mesozoic era. The Tuatara does not have 3 eyes as someone above said.

Waikoropupu Springs near Nelson are reputedly the clearest fresh water springs in the world, with an outflow of approximately 2,160 million litres of water every 24 hours.

A New Zealander invented the tear back velcro-strip, the pop-lid on a self sealing paint tin, the child-proof pill bottle and the crinkle in your hairpins so that they don’t fall out!

A New Zealand archbishop’s son invented the totaliser machine used for racing and sports betting. Go figure...

Well, thats my 22.5 cents worth for the day... Thanks for listening...
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