Originally Posted by Cobalt_60
ziadel, what make and model 1911 is that? I went to a local gunshow this last weekend. Picked up a new recoil spring. A Wilson Combat heavy duty recoil spring to replace my original Colt spring. That sucker is stiff! Can't wait to go the range and try it out. Anyone know of any places online or local stores to pick up decent priced .45 rounds? The stuff at the range I go to is quite expensive.
whoops, forgot to write about the ammo
www.cheaperthandirt.com has good ammo prices...
you could just goto Wal-mart tho... the wally-marts here have 100 round boxes of Winchester .45 auto 230grain FMJ's for 20 bucks... thats a damn good price for 100 rounds of .45...