I used to work for Best Buy, and as an employee, I was able to buy stock for a cheaper amount than street value. Basically what they did was, take a 6-month spread, and the cheapest value over that 6 month period was, that's what I got it for on my next purchase. Well, while working for BBY, the stock split twice. I bought the first time for maybe $18 a share, it ended at a high a lot more than that, but I got the 2 for 1 split and then later a 3 for 2 split. I can say I did quite well off of this.
Another thing, when I was in college, my parent's paid for school; all of it. So, I took out a loan from the school for what my entire tuition would roughly turn out to be over 4 years. The loan interest rate was 1%, which it usually is with gov't school loans. I took all of the money, invested most of it for four years, and let some go into stocks. The day after I graduated, I walked into the student loan office (business office) and repaid every bit in cash, including the 1% I owed. I made over $17,000 in those four years. Gotta love school loans. I plan on going back for my masters and doing something similar, though hopefully, it won't take me four years to get it.
"You hear the one about the fella who died, went to the pearly gates? St. Peter let him in. Sees a guy in a suit making a closing argument. Says, "Who's that?" St. Peter says, "Oh, that's God. Thinks he's Denny Crane."