I agree with the above post. There is a whole lot of inconsistancy in the US. There is a seperation of church and state but only to limit that those in cnogress want it. This Nation was founded because a bunch of people were persecuted for their beliefs in England. Thay came over here and started their own little place where they could be free. The First Constutional Congress saw that if they didn't do something eventually the same reason people came here would drive others away. Thus the seperation of Church and State. However it is on all our money, in the Preamble, and in all of our songs.
I believe that there is something bigger out there.....but that all relgions are basically the same. They want you to be basically a good and decent person, they want you to follow their beliefs, and they want your money. Even if it has "in God we trust" printed all over it.
But we need to let people make up their own minds about religion. I still think this teacher just needed to abide by the rules and she would have been fine. I know that there is sometime a need for rebellion, but you need to pick your fights. This is the wrong time for this fight.
Quoting :"What is the big damn deal over wearing a cross? It's not an advertisement. It's a inanimate object, just as a simple pair of earrings is and namebrand clothes." It is an inanimate object but like stated above so is the swastika, the pentagram, the star of david, the ankh, etc. These objects mean something when you see them.
If ignorance is bliss, then wipe this smile off my face!