My mother and a co-worker have had it done. Both had serious complications and infections. I am overweight, not so much as to require surgery, but I would not do it, for myself, regardless. I am losing weight with exersize and diet. I figure I got fat when I stopped exersizing, so it's mental all the way. I DO think that it can, at times, be a life saver. However, in addition to the two people close to me (both who saw dramatic weight loss, in spite of the problems) I know two others, neither are much more than acquaintances, who have had it done and wound up losing a lot of weight, and then putting it all back on and more. It's certainly not a cure-all, and your stomach can be stretched, even after the surgery.
Consult your doctor, do lots of research, and figure out if it's something that you can do without. I think most people's minds and hearts are stronger than they believe, and you are more capable than you may be willing to accept. If it's important enough to do it right, it CAN be done.
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies
like a banana.