Thus spake <b>pinkie</b>:<i>
I LOVE Clamato juice! That's what I call a bloody clam beer!! Those are AWESOME!!!!!
(with a squeeze o' lime)</i>
Clamato? Blaaaaaarrgh! Who the hell thought of that anyway? To crib from Richard Jeni, what the hell? Someone is drnking a perfectly good glass of tomato juice, stops, thinks, and says, "You know what this needs? Fish. This needs some fish." Me, I'm more of a Kiwi-mackerel kind of guy. Not. Jucie and fish? Blaaaaaarrrgh!
(* shudder *) (* wince *) (* shudder *)
And you want to put this vile brew in beer? You know, they used to burn people like you at the stake, or chuck rocks at them until they were hamburger. Nowadays, the penalty for blashphemy is, fortunately, much less severe. Unfortuantely, you seem to enjoy drinking clamato, so I don't think it would phase you much.
(* shudder *)