I suffer teribbly from depression, it hits me like a wave, the best way to describe it is feeling really low, and empty, really sad like I want to cry, but can't.
I don't want to talk, I just want to sit by myself. Nothing anyone does or says will make a difference, I love my girlfriend very much, but even she can't help me when I'm down. It can sometimes last a week, although usually just a day or two.
It's so hard, it brings on feelings of panic and anxiety, if you were to look at my life, I have nothing to be depressed about, I'm healthy (apart from the depression), I've been with my girlfriend for 8 years and we have a rock solid relationship, we found each other young (18) so we've got the rest of our lives together to look forward to. We both have good incomes, I have good relationships with my parents, I have a good job, nice home and two nice cars. It doesn't matter, depression isn't about been angry or upset or fed-up, it's something deep down that only people who suffer know about.
I've accepted my depression and have refused medical treatment, I know that when I'm not depressed my life is good, so I just use that thought to make it through the painful times.
If you want my suggestion, read about it, learn about your own depression, learn what triggers it and see it for what it is, an un-happy time. I have to keep away from people I love when I'm down, I don't want to impact on their lives.
I have noticed the food I eat has a massive impact on my feelings, I haven't been depressed in weeks, ever since I stopped eating at McDonalds, it's too soon to tell, but a lot of people will say depression is a chemical imbalance.
Good luck, also, it's easier to talk to people who have been depressed, it's a lot harder finding someone who will talk to a stranger about depression, I have a colleague who talks to me, depression affected his life for a very long time.