i wanted to apologize for the outburst yesterday in this thread.
not necessarily for the content,
but for allowing myself to post at a point where,
for reasons that i find a bit mysterious this morning,
the question at hand caught me in a space of particular emotional rawness.
particularly to those at whom i directed a particular sense of being-offended.
it is strange how smoothly one can slip from a sense of bearings linked to what is happening in the world around you in real time to one of massive telescoping.
stranger still to find yourself writing from the latter space and reading back through it the next day
for example.
because i think it forced a kind of particular and not necessarily constructive shift in the register in which folk were talking on the thread as a whole.
but i appreciated reading through this morning and finding folk willing to continue wrestling in the thread despite that.
one other point:
i was never under any illusion that the governing order in the states would line up with my particular politics. i have long been accustomed to working in a space of opposition. i do it in my professional life, in my work.
i think that what ultimately had/has me alarmed about this period is that i see a discourse shift to the right that would foreclose any meaningful space for continuing that work here.
from there, it is but a short leap to finding my sense of hope being undercut.
that is how it has gone.
that is my situation.
it does not operate on the basis of illusions about either the existence in the states of an actual left politics or about the electoral system and the pseudo-options it offers.
lebel, irate: i hope the above explains my reaction to your posts as well.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite