Why don't you take a holiday. Don't break up, but just decide to take a holiday from sex with one another. Start courting all over again. Ask her out on a "first" date. Work up to putting your arm around her. Then try to get to the moment of your "first" kiss. End your date with a kiss, nothing more.
Maybe on a third date, try body caresses. Fondling feels so great, when its a new expression of your interest in one another.
And so forth.
After awhile, you'll likely want one another badly. Talk about how you feel, what desires you feel.
This holiday and courting all over again will give her time to sort out her feelings about your loving her, and give you time to reconnect with her, knowing she wasn't a virgin queen until you met her, but she's still worthy of you and your love. Courting her will show her that. Maybe, after a month of courting her, she'll let your reconnect with her. By that time, you should know whether she's really the one you want.
Good luck.