Originally Posted by 1010011010
"If it's not genetic/heritable then it must be choice." is incorrect.
Seriously though, WillyPete, I want to hear about when you chose between being attracted to girls or being attracted to boys.
I can't recall any specific date.
I remember the games we played as kids and could quite easily consider them as conditioning for boys to kiss girls and stuff like that.
I'm not able to even venture any good argument whether sexual preference leans more toward genetics or social conditioning. I'm not qualified nor do I have the personal experience of having homosexual feelings to reflect upon.
As I said, but you may not have noticed, I was offering my
personal opinion. (Yeah I know, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and some stink.

However, until someone can prove to me code GCTACCTAGwhatever is responsible for this, then I'll believe that society DOES play a large role in the sexual orientation a person chooses.
I'll again risk it and say it's my opinion that there IS some genetic disposition but it's not an either/or situation.
If you believe that sexual orientation is gentically programmed, then it's not a far leap of the imagination to say that criminal or anti-social behaviour could also be gentic in origin. But the Nature/nurture topic is a totally different barrel of fish.
Why is it that generally, those that tend to think that EVERYTHING is choice related are usually those that have a religious background.
Where to claim that a perfect God would permit his creation to be built with defects and an an automatic feature to disobey him. This cannot be correct, in their eyes.
On the other hand, those claiming total genetic responsibility for some of mankind's activities such as sexual, social and deviance from the norms are giving people an excuse to do as they wish and claim it to be impossible to decide what you will be like as a human.
Once again, that's a general view and only my opinion of the two camps. I tend to find myself in the middle of the two schools of thought.
We are constantly at humankind with all sorts of drugs to affect mood, behaviour and sex (both urge and organ). We promote contraception and also push fertilization. I'm really saddened when something that's being going on within the human race for miillenia is suddenly deemed unnatural when all that stuff is considered ok.