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Old 11-16-2004, 02:20 AM   #1 (permalink)
Ohio Ballot Recount Will Happen....What Will it Reveal?

I believe a recount of presidential ballots in Ohio will happen and that it
will be a positive in helping to heal the political rift in the nation by reducing
speculation that a voting fraud conspiracy resulted in Bush retaining the
presidency while legitimately receiving less popular votes in Ohio, and
possibly in Florida. Do you agree or disagree that an Ohio recount will
happen or that it is a necessary step in our political process?

Bev Harris initiated a suit against Diebold that has resulted in the company agreeing to pay $2.6 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that it lied about its faulty equipment before the March primary.
<a href="">Bev Harris Google News search results</a>
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Glibs reach their recount dough count (Keith Olbermann)

SECURE UNDISCLOSED LOCATION— A presidential vote recount in Ohio seems inevitable today with the announcement from Green Party candidate David Cobb that he and the Libertarians' Michael Badnarik have raised $150,000 in donations to meet filing fees and expenses.
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If you are concerned about what happened Tuesday, Nov. 2, you have found a home with our organization. Help America Audit.

BREAKING -- SATURDAY NOV 13 2004: Black Box Voting has launched a fraud audit into Florida. Three investigators (Bev Harris, Andy Stephenson, and Kathleen Wynne) are in Florida right now. We will initiate hand counts on selected counties that have not fully complied with our Nov. 2 Freedom of Information request by Monday (Diebold counties) or Tuesday (other counties).

BREAKING -- SATURDAY NOV 13 2004: We have reports that both David Cobb (Green Party) and Michael Badnarik (Libertarian Party) will be filing for official recounts in Ohio. Black Box Voting is also launching a fraud audit in Ohio. Gotta be replaced: Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell. Please invoke the following name change on Blackwell immediately, as he is 2004's Katherine Harris. He should now be referred to at all times as "Katherine Blackwell." Please retain this moniker for any future runs for governor. How to be your own media. Spread the word. Latest Katherine Blackwell outrage: Failure to properly account for provisional ballots, and refusing to allow citizens to see the pollbooks. <a href=""></a>
Statement of National Voting Rights Institute, Demos, People for the American Way Foundation, Common Cause, and the Fannie Lou Hamer Project in Support of the Ohio Recount and for Conserving Ballots and Examining Procedures Nationwide
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