I saw your old thread, and I posted a series of questions you couldn't answer.
My degree, which I'm very surprised you don't know what it's in since I've posted it in a few places, is very desirable in the US. It's one of the blooming areas of the economy. But my wage is only a portion of a larger economic portrait.
At some point the piper will come calling, and then my wages (regardless of how high they are) will become very shitty indeed relative to my social conditions.
However, this really isn't about me justifying to you of all people why I will leave the country. My point is that it doesn't make sense to allow conditions that push the educated away from a region and then scoff at them as they take away necessary resources and add them to someone else's economy.
I'm not discussing personal motivations. Your comment on that regard is ahistorical and every qualifier you added to it had absolutely nothing to do with context. I don't know how you conclude that I was saying the graduates of today are better than those of a few decades ago.
I said the exact opposite--that opportunities and conditions are decreasing.
I'm also not laughing or scoffing at anyone about anything.
Edit: I wanted to clear something up so Ustwo or anyone else doesn't wonder at apparent inconsistencies in my position. That is, there are a confluence of factors urging us to leave. Where I move to will be dictated by the worth of my degree. I specifically mentioned that when I used Australia as an example of a possible place.
It's not that I'm getting a degree in a low paying sector, but that my wage won't satisfy me in relation to the social conditions I live in (which are not limited to political factors, as much as people want to reduce these discussions to unidimensional analyses). And I specifically mentioned that the place I am native to, and would receive a very nice wage, and actually does share most of my social values (as if mine were developed in a vacuum and weren't a function of my environemnt, lol), is unfortunately the next most likely target for a catastrophe.
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Last edited by smooth; 11-15-2004 at 11:15 PM..