Originally Posted by cbr9racr
>>> A 4 million vote margin out of 114 million votes does not grant the Right a mandate for that kind of oppression. <<<
So we've been oppressed since this country's inception? Seems like conservative values are what was pervasive throughout the country, only until recently...no?
No, the surge of the power of the religious right started a little more than 30 years ago specifically in response to the abortion issue, then expanded to embrace a whole range of social issues. Our culture at the inception of our country was just as liberal for its time as it is now, perhaps more so. We are now the oldest secular republic in existence. The culture continues to progress and, like any growing organism, to test its boundaries against accepted norms. In reaction to this trend, the social conservatives have decided that everyone should live like them. The opposite view--the one that I promote--is we should all be free to live as we wish. Religious conservatives are free to worship in their way and be as open about their beliefs as they wish while respecting my right not to be. They have no right to censor my tastes no matter how it may offend them.