Originally Posted by Ustwo
Economy = fine, and would have been much better without 9/11. Try looking at the numbers.
Underfunded education act = Bush has spend more on education than any other president in history.
Awful job loss = See the economy and last months numbers.
It would be a very different world agreed, but that doesn't make the lefts lies about the economy and unemployment true.
Originally Posted by smooth
yes, liberal lies
what ustwo has a very serious problem explaining is how he equates a job that leaves the shores paying $18+ per hour with its replacement that pays $5.25 per hour.
Looks like you had to concede #1 and #2. As for #3, in a global economy, you can't sit back and relax. Once Henry Ford got cranked up, even if you were the best buggy-whip maker in the US, you had a problem.
But getting back to the election: Kerry had an even more serious problem in blaming job loss on Bush. Can you quote a single source that DOESN'T say the recession started in 2000?
Certainly not the House Budget Committee, who said:
"The most recent available data on gross domestic product [GDP] – released by the Commerce Department at the end of July – show that the pace of economic growth in 2000 was slipping faster than previously recognized, and that the recession of 2001 was more severe."
People also might have had trouble believing Kerry's "plan" which he claimed would create "10 million jobs." That's not a typo. I saw the video of him making that claim.