I don't know why people think they know when a life begins.
I really don't.
You don't know. I don't know. None of us do.
Until then, the fact remains: it is legal to get an abortion. It is illegal to forcfully kill a mother's baby. The two are very different and very obvious to the point where it doesn't really need explaining. These things were considered by the supreme court as well as any other judge who has made a decision against a third party killing a fetus of a pregnant mother.
I don't know why exactly that's so hard to grasp.
Yes, people have wonderful children all the time. We all know what a fetus can grow into.. but until it is at that stage where it can live outside of the host, it's fair game to the mother if she makes a choice to abort it. I know it's not something that everyone agrees with, but you can't really tell someone what they can or cannot do with their bodies. That's ultimately what this boils down to.
It's NOT fair game for some random person to decide, "I don't want you to have this baby." That decision is NOT the same as a mother who doesn't want to carry and nurture a fetus.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 11-15-2004 at 09:21 PM..