Originally Posted by Suave
Either that or you just get accustomed to living on less sleep, which isn't healthy either. I've read a decent amount on sleep deprivation, and on average it takes 1-2 weeks to recover from a single day's lost sleep from the journal articles I read.
I'll admit it doesn't cost money though, but when it's only 5-10 bucks for a smokable amount of weed, it's not a big deal for me anyways. :P I'm more turned off by the lung effects.
Well before folks start thinking that I intentionally stay awake for days at a time to get a high. I don't. Just saying if you want to get all loopy and crap stay awake. It's pretty fun if you don't have to do anything important later on. But I guess I'm blessed I don't need stuff to make me silly and to loosen up. God made me perpetually high.