Originally Posted by Ustwo
The question of homosexuality is an interesting one.
The question is WHY are there homosexuals. Since it is genetically inferior reproductive wise, there must be a reason homosexuality is so common. Most genetic defects which would cause reproductive failure are in the order of 1-1000 or so, while homosexuality is something like 2.5% of the population. Now homosexuals can have children, so its not a true failure there, but it does lower ones desire to reproduce.
The answer is either sexuality is very fragile in development and can 'switch' quite easy, the genes themselves may be fragile, or there is a survival benefit to the species by having homosexuals in the population.
I don't know the answer, but my educated opinion is that sexual orientation is fragile in development AND there is a survival benefit.
One study showed that women who were enduring conditions like bombing etc in WWII were more likely to have homosexual babies. The theory it was the mother being under stress which caused it.
Now if you take that in a survival context, a population under stress may well need less males actively looking for mates, and at the same time those males would help out with their existing families. Having that gay uncle benefits everyone, while at the same time he is not producing children which would use up resources.
Just my theory.
That's a very interesting theory, Ustwo. I had never actually given any thought to WHY there were homosexuals, with an eye to the benefits of having a segment of society that was. My opinion pretty much boiled down to tab 'A' goes in slot 'B', or else the model is broken. Very interesting thought.
I'd be interested in knowing more details about that study you reference.