"If you don't think drug corporations are behind the continuing prohibition of marijuana you're ill-informed and naieve."
As smooth pointed out, i read your initial post the wrong way, sorry bout that. I understand now that you were providing that as an example of a bad effect of legalization. I also stand by my contention that it wouldn't be an effect period.
I work with drug companies on a daily basis. I manage cancer research studies, so i see all of the above symptoms at levels you couldn't comprehend unless you were in the field i am. If there is one person here jumping the bandwagon that your philosophy provides, it is you. You my friend are ill-informed and naieve. If i thought you would hear what i had to say, i'd actually waste my time and explain myself further.
I would suggest to Xiangsu, that he could pretty much bank on this sort of naievete "Aaaaaaanyway... you'll find that most arguments against legalization of it are either incredibly extreme, flat out uninformed, or based on some random generalization", from his opposition. As such he's got a pretty easy debate ahead of him. The links i provided addressed the legalization of drugs in general, many of which are applicable to marijuana in particular. Those links were for Xiangsu's benefit and not stompy's. Some of the points he could use for the purposes he was looking for, some couldn't. He'd apparantly rather use his grandmother.
I've never used this term out of spite, but i don't believe i've ever seen a more obvious thoughtless "straw-man" than this one...
""Tell that to a woman who is raped by her boyfriend while he was high on PCP. Or tell that to the six year old that is raped by that same guy...."
I wasn't here to debate the legalization of marijuana, i posted to give Xiangsu some arguments against it. Daily i am more and more convinced there is a large population of liberals that have completely gone off the deep end.
Most typically conservative viewpoints are written off as "extreme, uninformed, and extreme generalizations", until liberals can approach them for what they are, i feel confident you guys will continue to remain the angry bitter loosers (in the political sense, not personally) that you were in the last year. I saw it coming with your approach to gay marriage, iraq, etc etc etc etc.