Originally Posted by filtherton
The fact that there are myriad of equally valid creation stories is evidence of this lack of actual relevance to anything.
Really, I'll let the millions of people know, who believe in God, that their lives mean nothing, or should I say have no "relevance to anything".
Originally Posted by filtherton
Science is based on a philosophy, creationism is not.
philosophy - noun
1 [U] the use of reason in understanding such things as the nature of reality and existence, the use and limits of knowledge and the principles that govern and influence moral judgment:
With this definition, I do not understand how religion or concept of God does not fit into philosophy. So, I will smile politely and nod.
Originally Posted by filtherton
Creationism requires little more than the ability to read the bible and a good imagination.
And God of course, oh and a little faith as well.... patience with ye old heathens and such....