Originally Posted by daswig
Simply because a fetus does not have the right to cause it's mother to become a slave to the fetus. 13th Amendment and all that...
If you visit me at my invitation, in my house, I can kick you out, even if it means you freeze to death. That's life.
You can kick me out of the house, but you don't get to crush my skull, kill me, and then flush me out through the sewer. That's not life, its death.
I'm just trying to figure it out, really I am. Are you saying that the baby/fetus is worthy of protection, but that the mother's decision supercedes the baby/fetus' status? Some argue that the baby/fetus is simply not worthy of protection at all.
If the 13th Amendment applies, then all prohibitions on abortion are prohibited by the constitution up to the very minute of birth. Do you agree.