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Old 11-15-2004, 09:23 AM   #8 (permalink)
All hail the Mountain King
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Location: Black Mesa
Originally Posted by JJRousseau

I wouldn't consider 6 months to be "aging a wine".
Well it is to a lot of people.

I think we are basically in agreement, but I don't think the average 'casual' wine drinker has a wine cellar where he is willing to leave a bottle to mature for 20 years. 99.9% of us drink our wine within a week of purchase, anything beyond that is ageing to the average person. I think the longest I have held on to anything is 3 years.

So to recap, sure your Champagne might get a little better if you wait 20 years, but do you want to wait that long for a fairly insignificant improvment in what is hopefully already a pretty good bottle of wine?

***On another topic JJ, are you in Quebec? I am curious to learn more about the wines of that region as I am in western Canada and mostly drink what's local.
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