wow pot...
well pot is something i did evreyday for a long time.. i learned alott of things while high that i retained.. althought that amases me.. i do think it is possible to learn while stoned and depending on id say the person it is posible to retain it.. i quit becasue my wife didnt want me getting in trouble locked up and leaving her and my kids at the time kid. i miss it.. i miss the idea of partying. i dont drink dont like to drink. i think that people who say drinking and pot rnt in the same catagory are techiclly right but really in reality they are 1 in the same.. both change your state of mind. both have the abilty to make you think irationally. both have anonymoys meetings.. both can be expensive. on that note id would say evreyone has 1 "vice" drink, smoke, gamble, sex, shop, work, or use drugs of 1 sort or another. lets look at rush... he was addicted to oxys for goodness sakes.. yes i can say everybody has a vice . i think evreyone should have the right to choose what they do. who is the "man" who should decide if smoking a bowl is bad? or ey lets go pick up a couple cases of beer. anyone who says drinking isnt bad when done evreyday wether once or twice or 6 pack or whatever really needs to re evaluate thiere ideals. i see no diffrence in drinking a 6 a night or smoking a joint or 2 a night. i dont think it should be illeagl. i doubt anyone could change my mind on this. why smoke pot. why smoke cigaretts why drink beer why do shots of curevo ?? i cant figure out any of theese things.. or can i......
oh yes it all becomes clear.. we do things that arnt natural for the high whatever it is.
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if you cant read my post i dont want to hear about it move on. thanks