I was commenting more on the use of 'natural selection' with regard to reducing homosexual activity within a society.
The main principle behind natural selection is a breeding out of specific genetic traits.
The jury is still out regarding homosexual tendencies being socially triggered or genetically triggered, and I think it will stay that way for a LONG time.
Until homosexual tendencies are scientifically proven to stem from a particular portion of genetic code, then I don't think that natural selection will have any part in reducing the numbers of homosexual people. My personal opinion (once again...) is that it's a preference rather than a pre-determined trait.
mo24 offers the best argument I have seen yet.
If offered a female or male option, male animals will most likely attempt to mate with the female.
Female animals, due to anatomical problems would find it a lot more difficult to attempt a homosexual practise, unlike the more flexible humans. I don't know enough to comment on that though. Likewise, don't know if female chimps are recorded as doing so.