Smoke does not belong in our lungs, no matter the form.
I've seen to many negatives of what it can do from my friends.
I enjoy keeping my money and using it on more useful things.
I can enjoy life w/out the help of somthing else.
Its a mind altering drug, I'd rather drink in a controlled enviroment. (Which is rare anyways)
The fuckin horrible smell.
Societies negative view.
I grew up with a father who had lung disease, any idea of smoking anything, is bad mkay?
I've seen how people act on it, and in the eyes of a "sober" person yes you really do act like a complete utter moron when high.
No its not funny.
I'll just stop there.
Originally Posted by woOt?
Now, how many of you that say you will never touch it are full blown alcoholics? Mmm?
As for that, please o please, share some form of reasoning for that silly comment.