Originally Posted by prosequence
I thought the Unicorn thiing was more evolution, you know, something evolving from something else. Creation is the belief that God created the world and those within.
As far as some of the other arguements, I don't know, I never saw monkey turn into a human, nor a g-string thingy turn into briefs.
But I do not wish to argue, so maybe we should agree that there is such a thing as evolution, which of course was created by God. Why not.
the unicorn thing: an 'entity' creating the world by shitting it out its ass.
the god thing: an 'entity' creating the world by saying 'let there be yadda yadda.'
either way, they're both saying that a magical (read: fictional, imaginary) entity created the world/universe. they just used different orafices (methods) to do it. if the unicorn is evolution, than so is your god.
as to the rest of your post, of course you won't find a g-string turn into briefs (they're inanimate objects, duh) or monkeys turn into humans. first as someone (welshbyte) pointed out, humans are apes, not monkeys. we are incredibly sophisticated apes. but if you look back like millions of years, you will find a species which is common to both us and chimpanzees (as well as other members of the ape family). this species is a common ancestor to us both. just like you and cousin are not 100% identical you do have a common ancestor in your grandfather, who is also not 100% identical to you. we have primate A who is genetically similar and a common ancestor to primates X and Y (who are genetic cousins). unlike the example i used, rather than just being a couple generations from the common ancestor, we're separated by millions of years.
if you wish to have the idea that evolution was created by god, that's your choice. congrats, you're now an 'intelligent designist.' but there's still no evidence for such a belief.
i don't mean to sound rude or anything, but in your posts and this quoted ones last sentence you show that you are not only ignorant of the theory of evolution and the evidence supporting it, but that you're willfully so. if you don't want to learn, fine. but don't sound suprised ("A ton, really, and it would be what?") when people tell you about it. your ignorance on the subject doesn't make it not exist. go out and find information about it. educate yourself. i'll even help start you out.
i've never read through this site, but i've used about.com for other things and always found it to be pretty good. just do a google search for evolution (i'd avoid sites on the creation v. evolution argument for a little while until you've learned about evolution so that hopefully you would be able to tell the very biased from the 'really attempting to be objective' sites). the information is out there, you just have to be willing to find it.
i realize that challanging your beliefs may be scary. but as someones sig. says "if i had the choice between being the happy fool or the disappointed Socrates, i'd choose the latter."
edit: found this article on the site mentioned above that you should look at... misconceptions about evolution.