I honestly think it would be effective to have a general class in which all religions and beliefs could be discussed in a free manner, w/o it being mandatory. I don't think children should be brought up blind-folded or set to one way of believing, but that they shouldn't be forced upon anything either. We all have choices in what to believe and it doesn't mean it has to be debated or for kids/parents to get offended when it is just showing the many windows of life.
Ya know what used to be okay in society years ago is not okay now or it's considered "wrong" all because someone decided to take offense- why? Because it goes against their beliefs. In this time we are not afriad to speak up, but the problem is we speak with negativity and blame and seperation. Just because some teacher discusses creationism & evolutionism does not mean it's being forced upon students. People's opinions and beleifs always change, therefore we should be able to see by now that protesting and taking offense to what is presented to us isn't working.