Maybe this would be better posted as a new thread than here, but here goes:
In Desert Storm I, some military members (I believe they were SEALS) were inside Iraq doing recon. Concealed in a spiderhole. Before a major engagement.
Some little Iraqi kid came by, lifted the top, and saw two or three foreign soldiers inside.
Ethical dilemma:
Does the soldier
1. Kill the kid,
2. Try to capture the kid and keep him/her quiet
3. Let the kid go, knowing full well that the kid will tell its parents, and the result may be the torture/death of the American and his friends, as well as enabling the Iraqis to foil the assault. This, in turn, may result in the deaths of many more Americans.
I know how things went down, but for those who don't, it may be an interesting dilemma to ponder.