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Old 11-14-2004, 06:42 AM   #64 (permalink)
Tarl Cabot
Location: Gor
Originally Posted by Manx
This is true of anyone/group who holds power. Including the Federal Gov't.

In general, my impression of the extreme dislike of the U.N. effectively comes down to two things:

1- It's a simple meme.
2- The people that feel this way (who are not simply repeating the meme) have a desire to see the U.S. rule the world. The U.N. is a fundamental block to that goal because the U.N. is based on democratic principles, which obviously conflict with a dictatorial U.S. rule of the world.
There you have it. The US is dictatorial (to the rest of the peace-loving world), but apparently not to its citizens.

Let's have some history:

After World War I, Woodrow Wilson had proposed 14 Points that would [theoretically] assure world peace. He naively assumed that all the countries of the world would simply be nice to each other. He doggedly supported a League of Nations, a cooperative effort among the nations of the world to live in peace with each other. (sure-Hitler,Tojo) He had redrawn the map of the world: essentially all of Europe, ½ of Africa, and ¼ of Asia.

Related information: The Council on Foreign Relations, a think-tank, had been formally chartered in 1922. It was designed by British and American idealists as the way to create an ideal world-and it still dominates U. S. foreign policy. The last eight Secretaries of State have been members, and the Clinton administration included over 50 members in upper levels of government, military, and industry. The entire CFR philosophy rests on the same false view that men are all peaceful.

After World War II, we had been brought full circle from the failure of the Versailles Treaty and the League of Nations back to the same starting point.

The United Nations was the result of planning that began in 1942. George Marshall, Franklin Roosevelt, and others planned for a post-war New World Order. This new cooperative world network would be led by the super-powers, the U.K., the U.S., and the USSR. Together they would redesign the world so that there would be no national sovereignty-all nations could hold each other accountable and exercise their authority within individual nations. In other words, nations wouldn't rule themselves; there would be world oversight. (What kind of "oversight" do you think Stalin had in mind?)

The basic model, then, for avoiding all future wars was-of all things-the League of Nations. Upon the same utopian premise, Roosevelt added his four essential freedoms:

" Freedom of speech
" Freedom of worship
" Freedom from want
" Freedom from fear

On June 26, 1945, representatives from 50 nations met in San Francisco and signed the charter bringing the United Nations Organization into official existence. The United Nations was intended to be the government that would create the New World Order. Significantly, the Soviet Union demanded and got three votes. Though it was well-known that Ukraine and Belarus were under Soviet control, the USSR claimed that they were "separate nations." The USSR had actually demanded six votes, but it was decided that Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia were not separate nations.

To understand the true nature of the UN, we have only to look at one man, the first Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Alger Hiss was an important official of the State Department during and immediately after World War II. He had been advisor to Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference with Stalin and Churchill, and played a leading role in the development of the UN. He had friends in high places, was good looking, and had risen high in government ranks. In 1946, as a result of a persistent investigation by young California congressman Richard Nixon, he was exposed as a Communist spy. A good man to start a world peace organization.

The second Secretary-General, Trygve Lie, was nominated by the Soviets. He was the founder of the Communist Party in Norway, and remained a committed socialist throughout his life. Under his leadership, Stalin continued to take over Eastern Europe unchallenged, while Lie condemned right-wing dictatorships in Latin America.

The third Secretary-General was Dag Hammerskjold, a Swedish Communist, elected in 1953. Instead of protesting the continuing Soviet aggression, he focused his efforts on apartheid in South Africa and Rhodesia. He said nothing when the white minority in Rhodesia was slaughtered under a Communist dictatorship.

Hammerskjold died in a plane crash in 1961, but his successor, Secretary-General U Thant, founder of the Burmese Communist Party, said nothing when Czechoslovakian riots were crushed by Soviet tanks in 1968. Instead, he condemned French and American methods of dealing with student protests and Vietnam protestors.

Under U Thant, 18 separate agencies of the UN were built-a huge bureaucracy of international agencies that had created a series of treaties and resolves giving the UN authority over United States spheres. Our national parks are now "international biosphere zones," controlled by the UN. In addition, there are the World Health Organization, which tells people how many children they can have, International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and numerous environmental agencies that regulate primarily the United States. All this is imposed on us by an unelected government with a global base-and we pay 25% of its budget.

In 1972, Kurt Waldheim became Secretary-General. This man was a Nazi war criminal. He condemned the United States actions in Vietnam and Israel's 1973 Yom Kippur War, but was silent when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.

In 1982, Secretary-General J. Perez Cuellor condemned right-wing governments in Argentina, Ecuador, and Peru, while bolstering Castro's Communist regime in Cuba.

Boutros-Boutros Ghali became Secretary-General in 1992. He was an Egyptian Moslem and a founder of the Baathist party (now famous due to Saddam Hussein's Baathist regime). Ghali brought pressure to bear in the Middle East and in Moslem conflicts in Bosnia, Serbia, etc. While he was its leader, the UN funded China's one child/family policy, but had nothing to say about Tiananmen Square. Africa suffered under Marxist dictators (Somalia, Ethiopia) while the UN stood idly by.

Under a banner of peacekeeping, the UN has meddled in the social and medical affairs of the nations of the world. Said to be "man's last, best hope for peace," it has botched everything it has done. The Soviet invasions of Hungary (1956), Czechoslovakia (1968), and Afghanistan (1978) have gone uncontested. No peacekeepers were deemed necessary. It has sent peacekeepers into Bosnia, Lebanon, and Somalia, among other places. So, after their wonderful and effective work, would you plan a vacation at any of those places?

The UN's charter proclaims its purpose to be the saving of the world for peace (see Communist definition of "peace"). Instead of sending humanitarian aid, arbitrating cease-fires, or enforcing détente, it has spent 90% of its budget on meddling. In 1992, of $7.8 million spent, only 10% went to peacekeeping. Its vision of the world is one of peace through imposing bureaucracy and a smothering coercion. It has consistently and insistently attacked Western nations-Christian ones-as heretical. It aims to destroy everything that Western Christendom has stood for.

The United States won the war for the world, then paved the way for Communist tyranny through well-intended but foolish philosophies. We've seen its "effectiveness" as the war with Iraq loomed. The UN tried to deny America's sovereign right to respond to the attack on us by terrorists, while allowing Saddam Hussein 12 years to build up his war arsenal, oppress and murder his own people, and to support the terrorism that plagues the world.

Khofi Annan, meanwhile, was perfectly happy to leave Saddam alone, as long as his son raked in profits from the oil-for-food scandal.

To review:

1. Roosevelt declared that all men had four essential freedoms: freedom of speech and worship, and freedom from want and fear. Government can and certainly should protect the first two freedoms, but it cannot and should not try to guarantee the other two. In relieving want, it must take from those who have to provide for those who do not have (legal plunder), and no human being or government can free people from fear.

2. The United Nations was built on the faulty [utopian] premise that all the people of the world wanted peace and that all should draw together behind this goal.

Backers of the United Nations falsely assumed that Communists shared common ground and common goals with non-communist countries. Nations that intend to dominate the entire world can hardly be sharing common ground with nations that wish to be free.

In the ideology of communism, world peace is unchallenged world communism.

3. Most of the UN member nations are busy trying to steal as much from us as they can, under the guise of "world peace."

So there's my "simple" reason for disliking the UN.
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