I too, own the DVD of "Saving Private Ryan". Actually, it's one of the only 3 DVD's I own. I have to say that I'm flabbergasted at everyone who's got a problem with language or content. The movie is full of "real" violence and language. It is the first WW2 movie I've ever seen that made my jaw drop and my eyes tear up due to it's realism. Is it gory? Yes. Is it shocking? Yes. Is it realistic? I think so, but i don't know. My Maternal Grandfather was a Glider Pilot during WW2 and died quite a few years after the war ended due to alcoholism (by all accounts due to the war). He wasn't a participant in the final days of the war. I have the very faintist memory of him from when I was 3 yrs. old and just before he died.
Oh, they say fuck sometimes, we better not watch this movie, or let our children, because there are swear words. Nevermind that men are being blown to bits fighting for freedom and democracy (which our country is founded on) on another countries soil for the good of all mankind (or at least the countries affected by WW2).
My hubby went to France about 5 yrs. ago for work. He was staying just outside of Caan but made a point to request at least a day off so he could go to the site of the Normandy invasion. We're both only 33 and he has no familial ties to WW2, yet being in France, standing in the bunkers and seeing the acres upon acres of headstones belonging to all men alike (not just American's) who died in the war affected him deeply.
I'm not usually one to force my opinions, but come on people, choose your battles. Do we really want our children growing up ignorant to the facts of service in the military, and of battle and war? Or do we want them signing up for service with the full knowledge that the may die for their country? I for one want my child (of legal age) to know what they're getting themselves into and why. Sugar-coating (that is, censoring) war movies isin't helping or protecting anyone, it's turning a blind-eye to reality. Video games are just as or more gory than anything seen on CNN. Come to think of it, the armed services are pretty smart by turning to games and commercials that resemble games to recruit people these days.....
Bleh, my .02, not that it matters. Not nessessarily here on TFP but in our country as a whole (US), we seem to be so polorized that it's either "I'm right and your wrong" or "You're wrong and I'm right". Why can't we all just get along....
'Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun, The frumious Bandersnatch!'--Jabberwocky, Lewis Carroll
"You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late."--Ralph Waldo Emerson